Location Scouting

This morning I went on a scouting trip looking for landscape photo locations. Unfortunately, I had to cut the trip short because the high winds were making riding my motorcycle less than enjoyable. My plan was to stop at anything that caught my eye and take a picture with my cell phone. I could then add this to my saved locations in Google Maps. Fighting the wind made stopping at random places a lot more difficult. However, I did find a couple of places. to  possibly take photos at a later date. The first if the farmers’ cooperative in Farmersville, Tx.

The other location is a small park on Lake Lavon.

Scouting locations – Lake Lavon Park

I did learn that side roads are better for location scouting than the main roads. I found the cooperative after stopping for gas in Farmersville. I didn’t want to turn left across the highway without a light. So, I went down a side road with the intenetion of cutting over to a road that had a light. I found this location doing that. The location with the cedar tree on the lake  was found by turning where a sign was pointing to a park.

I also learned that I need to use my tank bag to hold my regular camera. This would be a lot more convenient than getting it in and out of the panniers.